Welcome to The 5 Plays
To Greatness

Video 1

Step 1. Download Your Workbook

Welcome to this master class that has helped me guide elite athlete, executives, and every day achievers to their next level of greatness. Before we get started with each play, please take a moment to download and print your workbook.

Every big win starts with a great game plan — a strategy you can lean on to overcome obstacles and reach your full potential. The Game Plan is a 5-step course to help you shift your mindset, take action, and stay focused on pursuing your greater purpose.

Learn how to:
• Define and develop your core purpose and mission statement
• Elevate your standards and inspire those around you
• Create unbreakable habits that lead to the results you’ve always wanted
• Build a “Fab 5” that pushes you to show up and pursue excellence

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A must read and a must share book!

Buy 2 not one because as soon as you start reading you’ll think of people who need to read it too. On second thought, buy a box! Coach Dar is an amazing soul and I am blessed to have been able to meet her in person and see her light and passion for helping others.

Verified Purchase - Kate Leavell

A must have book in everyones library!

The Art of Bouncing Back game gives readers the strategies and techniques to help get up and going again after setbacks in your life, both personally and professionally. Coach Dar walk the walk, she has overcome three strokes and the loss of both her parents, she shares her personal experience as well as the experiences of her clients, including professional athletes, CEO's and world leaders. If you want to find your flow to thrive at work and life, anytime you are off your game, you must read this book. Everyone faces adversity in life, read this book to find out how to push forward!

Verified Purchase Jackie Hutt

Powerful Purposeful Direction!

Coach Dar created a blue print on how best to bounce back from any set back… She delivers that blue print with heart and soulful kindness….and gets one into action!

Verified Purchase Scott Kiburz